Well first few days home for our new Tripawd alumni Bonz Bonz. So I guess since he is new to the amputee fraternity this is pledge week. Otherwise known to you Tripawd veterans as HELL WEEK and it has not had issue living up to it’s name so far. Going into our third night with Bonz home and I think over those 3 days we have a combined 4 hours sleep between us. My hats off to you Tripawd veterans and your kiddos. You guys have earned your stripes. We have been down for the count soo many times the last few days but at least those days have given us some rays of hope that we made the right decision.
The first night was the worst.. When they say it rains it pours and it did pour… Bonzai has never been one to be comfortable in a strange bathroom. Heck when I moved I do not think he went to the bathroom even a tinkle for 3 days. What can I say he is a creature of habits and stubborn as a mule. So I knew that he had not gone to the bathroom since we took him in for surgery and apparently the stress and anestesia brought out some intestinal issues with diarrhea. So in 38 degree weather… in POURIN RAIN…In a back yard already mud and much and 2 inches of water from a weeks worth of rain we went outside with a towel under the boo. And then we went again about 30 minutes later.. And again and again and again.All night long!! Shoes were ruined.. Carpets were soaked with mud. We were exhausted as I know boo was as well. But in those moments came our first sign of happiness and hope when he peed for the first time. It was a huge deal. Bonzai does his own thing in the yard. He pees alone he eats alone. He growls otherwise. He is a proud pooch who handles his business. I know how embarrassed he must of felt out there suspended in a beach towel standing in water under the rain cause he hates getting wet more than anything. But he did not growl when we helped. He had to go soo bad.. It must of been such a relief to him and for us for n that yard wet, covered in mud, frustrated, we all three realized we were on our way to recovery.
The rain has continued. The diarrhea as well. The mud worse from constant trampling by me and the wife and Bonz. The little “pooch bombs” that can’t be seen at 3am. We endured. Then after exhastion another little Miracle. We thought Bonzai was passed out on the bed after a night of exhastion going to the bathroom. We heard a jingle. We looked in the room with a gasp to watch him jump off the bed and stagger out the door into the living. OMG! he can walk!. Yes it was shakey and yes it was scary but just 2 days after surgery he is up! He is scared. He is in pain. He is stoned out of his mind. But that is not gonna keep that stubborn boy down. Over the last day it has even gotten better. THE RAIN STOPPED =) . It got warmer. He now fights to go to the door to just go sit on the patio not just to go to the bathroom.
Wowser. What a few days! And I was sitting here all jealous because you are getting rain and California has dried up again after we were teased with a couple of good rainstorms. Never mind! Hell week indeed! Nothing like a dog with diarrhea in the middle of a rainy night — been there, NO fun. Poor Bonzai! And poor you! Is he drinking plenty of water? Is he eating? Have you tried canned pumpkin or white rice to stop him up?
But yeah! There is light at the end of the tunnel! Maybe even a rainbow at the end of the storm. The first pee! And first walk on his own! Cause for major celebration! Did you know most new amputees worry their pawrents by NOT pooping for days after surgery? At least you were spared THAT worry 😉
Love the image of Bonz sitting on the patio in the warm sun. He knows what he needs to heal 🙂 The coming days and weeks will be full of small miracles as Bonz continues to heal and regains his zest for life.
Awwww you guys! You have a GREAT attitude despite the hard night and challenges. It’s not easy bringing home a pup after surgery but you’re doing GREAT.
And yes it’s true, most new Tripawd dogs don’t poop for DAYS after surgerywhich makes their humans nuts. I’m thinkin’ that some pumpkin pulp in meals will really help firm things up. Be sure to mention the runs to your vet to keep them in the loop. Loop. Poop. Haha I made a rhyme 😉
Just like Bonz isn’t gonna let anything keep him down, neither will you, I can tell! Remember you can come to the Forums and post too if you want immediate feedback OK?
Keep us posted!
That picture is melting my heart…and so is this post!!!
Yes indeedy, Bonsai is an Alumni…as are you and your wife..of the tripawd community! You are doing great Bonz and are overcoming quite a few hurdles!!
What a chronicle of the recent events! OMD! Couldnt help but laugh at some of the visuals! You are a great storyteller!! Pooch Bombs!!!! LOL!!!
Look forward to following the antics ofthe delightful Bonz Bonz!! And more pictures!!! Love this guy!
Congratulations on all the continuing victories!!
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!